Sample-Connections: DigitalBooster DB-2 for Märklin-Motorola, mfx®, M4 and DCC

> To overview: sample connections sorted by digital command stations
> To overview: sample connections sorted by digital components
> To product description: DB-2
> To product selection: DigitalBooster

description file edition
DB-2 with DDW/DDL page_282 06/2020
Check of phases of model-railway-transformers page_274 01/2006
Never connect model-railway-transformers in parallel page_275 01/2006
Reducing track direct voltage by adapted Diodes page_972 06/2020
description file edition
Central Station 2 (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_656 06/2020
Central Station 2 and DigitalBooster DB-2 (3-rail conductor): Integrating Booster-Link (Fa. Tams) page_1595 06/2020
Central Station 2 (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_1035 06/2020
description file edition
Central Station 1 (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_444 06/2020
Central Station 1 (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via the 5-poles Märklin ribbon cable page_445 06/2020
Central Station 1 (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_1017 06/2020
description file edition
Control Unit (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_176 06/2020
description file edition
Intellibox (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_177 01/2020
Intellibox (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_178 06/2020
description file edition
Intellibox II (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_1295 06/2020
Intellibox II (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_1296 06/2020
description file edition
TWIN-CENTER (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_179 06/2020
description file edition
Intellibox Basic (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_723 06/2020
Intellibox Basic (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_722 06/2020
description file edition
IB-COM (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_842 06/2020
IB-COM (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_841 06/2020
description file edition
Fleischmann command station 680801 (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via the Adapter Adap-Roco page_901 06/2020
description file edition
Lenz command station (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_358 06/2020
description file edition
Roco command station 10761 / 10764 (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via the Adapter Adap-Roco page_359 06/2020
description file edition
multiZENTRALEpro (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via the Adapter Adap-Roco page_964 06/2020
description file edition
EasyControl (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_324 06/2020
EasyControl (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_891 06/2020
EasyControl (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_323 06/2020
EasyControl (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_892 06/2020
description file edition
RedBox (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_1835 06/2020
RedBox (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_1836 06/2020
RedBox (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_1862 06/2020
RedBox (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_1863 06/2020
description file edition
ECoS 2 (50200) (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_1067 06/2020
ECoS 2 (50200) (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_1062 06/2020
description file edition
ECoS 1 (50000) (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_388 06/2020
ECoS 1 (50000) (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_378 06/2020
description file edition
Commander (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_853 06/2020
Commander (3-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_855 06/2020
Commander (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via 5-poles booster bus page_854 06/2020
Commander (2-rail conductor): Connecting the DB-2 via Adapter Adap-CDE page_856 06/2020
description file edition
DiCoStation with DigitalBooster DB-2 page_365 06/2020

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