Sample-Connections: Layout-Light-Control Light-DEC
> To overview: sample connections sorted by digital command stations
> To overview: sample connections sorted by digital components
> To product description: Light-DEC
> To product selection: Light-DEC
description | file | edition |
Light-Display: connect model railway incandescent lamps and LED´s | page_1601 | 04/2016 |
Light-Display: Connect Viessmann LED 6046/6047/6048 for floor interior lights | page_1602 | 04/2016 |
Light-Display: maximum current load | page_1603 | 04/2016 |
Light-Display: voltage supply from a model railway transformer | page_1604 | 04/2016 |
Light-Display: voltage supply from several model railway transformers | page_1605 | 04/2016 |
Light-Display: Extension cable between two modules (standard cable) | page_1606 | 06/2017 |
Light-Display: Extension cable between two modules (patch-cable) | page_1607 | 06/2017 |
Light-Power: Connect direct current supply and model railway incandescent lamps | page_1608 | 09/2015 |
Light-Power: Two Light-Power-Modules at the Light-DEC Basis Module | page_1609 | 05/2016 |
Light-Power: Extension cable between two modules (patch-cable) | page_1610 | 06/2017 |
Using mixed Light-Power- and Light-Display-Modules | page_1611 | 04/2016 |
Operating with push buttons and switches | page_1612 | 05/2022 |
Connection of pedestrian traffic lights with LED´s | page_1678 | 04/2016 |
Connection of cross road traffic lights with LED´s | page_1679 | 04/2016 |
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