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Downloads: High-Speed-Interface HSI-88-USB for the s88-feedback bus

> To overview: Downloads
> To product description: HSI-88-USB
> To product selection: High Speed Interfaces

Transmits the Feedback-Information from the s88-feedback bus without any detours directly via the command station and the USB-Interface to the PC.

Manual PDF 09/2022
ServiceTool with Firmware 1.08 EXE 01/2010
USB-Driver V 1.05 f. Windows 10 (32 Bit) ZIP 08/2017
USB-Driver V 1.05 f. Windows 10 (64 Bit) ZIP 08/2017
USB-Driver V 1.05 f. Windows 8 / 8.1 (32 Bit) ZIP 04/2016
USB-Driver V 1.05 f. Windows 8 / 8.1 (64 Bit) ZIP 04/2016
USB-Driver V 1.05 f. Windows 7 (32 Bit) ZIP 04/2016
USB-Driver V 1.05 f. Windows 7 (64 Bit) ZIP 04/2016
USB-Driver V 1.05 f. Windows Vista (32 Bit) ZIP 04/2016
USB-Driver V 1.05 f. Windows Vista (64 Bit) ZIP 04/2016
USB-Driver V 1.05 f. Windows XP ZIP 04/2016
USB-Driver V 1.03 f. Windows ME ZIP 07/2009
USB-Driver V 1.03 f. Windows 2000 ZIP 07/2009
USB-Driver V 1.03 f. Windows 98 ZIP 07/2009
Command codes PDF 08/2022

All examples are available on the following page: sample connections for HSI-88-USB

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