DiCoStation (DirectCommandStation)

Command Station for the USB-Interface with the digital formats DCC and Märklin-Motorola plus three s88 Feedback Lines!

DiCoStation with USB- and Booster Connection

If you wanted to monitoring and control your model railway with a PC-Software you had to implement in the past a command station with integrated PC-Interface or an additional external interface suitable to your command station.

The DirectCommandStation (DiCoStation) offers now a low-cost command station which will work without any push-buttons and speed regulator because this functions will be taken over from the PC-Model Railway Software.

The DiCoStation contains a 1.1/2.0 Full Speed USB-Connection to the PC. All USB-Units require a so called USB-Unit Driver Software which can be found at the section Downloads for the DiCoStation.

Via the 5-poles Boosterbus-connection is it possible that up to 10 DigitalBooster DB-2, DB-4 or compatible Booster can supply the required capacity to the rails and to accessory decoders such as Turnout-Decoders with digital informations.

The DiCoStation creates as multiprotocol-central-unit the data formats Märklin-Motorola and DCC which can be available as mixed formats as well.

The DiCoStation contains additionally the connections for three s88-Feedback Lines for up to 496 Feedback Contacts.

Correct connection of the s88-standard feedback cables of all three feedback lines to the DiCoStation: Right hand and at the middle an interference-free twisted s88-standard bus cable from our delivery program. Left hand a ribbon-cable from Märklin or other manufacturer.

With the adapter Adap-HSI-s88-N is it possible to connect s88-Feedback Modules such as RM-88-N, RM-88-N-O or RM-GB-8-N directly via the screened Patch-Kabel to the DiCoStation in accordance to s88-N. For this connection shall be the Adapter Adap-HSI-s88-N simply plugged onto the three 6-poles pinbar of the DiCoStation.

Features of the DiCoStation

  • The DiCoStation supports up to 16127 DCC-Loc addresses with up to 126 driving steps and 28 functions. For the Motorola-Operation there are with reference to the implemented decoder up to 255 addresses with 28 driving steps and 8 functions possible.
  • The DiCoStation will support within the DCC format 2048 turnout addresses. For the Märklin-Motorola-Data Format will be 320 turnout -addresses supported.
  • Software-Updates for the DiCoStation can be carried out directly from the PC via the USB-Interface.
  • The DiCoStation can be operated with any Model-Railway-Software which supports the data-protocol (P50) of the Märklin-Interface 6051 (only Märklin-Motorola-Data Format) or even better the extended data-protocol (P50x) of the Intellibox (Märklin-Motorola- and/or DCC-Data Format). Therefore is the Software DIGITAL-S-INSIDE 2 (DSI 2) required. For the first installation can be found the demonstration software within the next section.
  • For the permanent operation of the Software DSI 2 will be an activation code required. This code can be purchased from Company modellplan under www.modellplan.de.
  • If you already use the Software DSI 1 for your DiCoStation you can purchase from company modellplan under www.modellplan.de an Update to DSI 2.
  • The DiCoStation plus Software DSI 2 can operate under Operating Systems Windows 10 (32- and 64-Bit), Windows 8 (32- and 64-Bit), Windows 7 (32- and 64-Bit), Windows Vista (32- and 64-Bit) from Service Pack 2 and Windows XP from Service Pack 3.
  • The finished module in a case comes with 24 month warranty.
  • Each DiCoStation will be supplied together with a detailed Handbook for the Installation of Hard- and Software. Those Handbook can be found within the next section.
  • The Digital Command Station DiCoStation will be supplied as tested finished module in a case incl. USB-Connection Cable. Suitable assembly material for the installation can be found under accessories.


Instructions regarding this article can be found here: Downloads DiCoStation.
Instructions for all LDT-Components can be found here: Overview Downloads.


Sample-connections regarding this article can be found here:
Sample-Connections DiCoStation (3-rail conductor) and
Sample-Connections DiCoStation (2-rail conductor).
Sample-connections for all LDT-Components can be found here: Overview Sample-Connections.

Add to Wish List / Prices

Attention: Products can only be added to the Wish List, if you are registered as customer at the LDT WebShop or if you are initially registered by interest of our products.

Add to Wish List: DiCoStation-G (Part-No.: 009903): DirectCommandStation (DiCoStation) as a finished module in a case (129,90 €*).

* All prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping.

DiCoStation software compatibility

The below table indicates which model railroad software supports the DiCoStation:

Brand Company/Internet Site DiCoStation support
Railroad & Co. Freiwald Software www.freiwald.com yes
Railware Railware Andrea Hinz railware.de yes
WIN-Digipet Dr. Peterlin www.windigipet.de yes
Koploper P. Haagsma www.pahasoft.nl yes
railX W. Schwickardi www.railX.de yes
RocRail wiki.rocrail.net yes
DDL - DigitalDirect for Linux www.vogt-it.com/OpenSource/DDL/ not yet
iTrail www.berros.eu/itrain 2.1
ModellStw www.modellstw.eu yes

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