Decoder for Switchboard Lights from the Digital-Professional-Series !
To track and influence the events of a layout with a switchboard is much more comfortable as done with a PC-Monitor.
Either you assemble your own switchboard or you combine components of available switchboard systems.
But how are getting the switchboard informations to the PC and the informations of turnout status and track occupancy from the digital system to the switchboard?
For PC-supported digital systems with s88-feedback bus (e.g. Märklin-Interface, Cental Station 1 and 2, ECoS, Intellibox, TWIN-CENTER, DiCoStation, High Speed Interface HSI-88(-USB)) is the transfer of the turnout-key information from the switchboard via feedback modules possible at relative low cost.
16 switch keys for turnouts or other functions can be connected to one Feedback Module RM-88-N.
By using the Dataswitch DSW-88-N it will be easy to branch to the feedback modules within the switchboard.
At the left line there are the feedback modules of the layout located. At the right line are the feedback modules of the switch board. If the existing digital system shall be extended by one switch board the feedback module contacts have not to be re-numbered whenever the dataswitch DSW-88-N will be used as shown above.
The status of turnout positions and occupancy informations of the layout shall now be transferred to the switchboard to enable the illuminated indication of the turnout- and drive track-symbols as on a PC-monitor.
Just there comes the new Decoder for Switchboard Lights GBS-DEC into action.
The Decoder for Switchboard Lights GBS-DEC consist of three components:
1. GBS-Master
The GBS-Master module is not anymore available.
The GBS-Master module (87mm x 89mm) which is connected to the digital-current-circuit (e.g. J and K or red and brown at the command station or at the booster) or the s88-Feedback bus for “bugging” the informations.
2. GBS-Display
The GBS-Display module (110mm x 89mm) which can illuminate up to 16 turnout- or 32 track occupancy symboles at the switchboard. Onto each GBS-Master module can be up to 4 GBS-Display modules connected. Each GBS-Display output can supply a current of 0,5 Ampere. Each GBS-Display module can supply a total current of 3 Ampere. This makes it possible to employ light emitting diodes (with serial resistor) as well as model railway incandescent lamps of the switchboard.
3. GBS-Service
The GBS-Service module (92mm x 71mm) which will be used for programming the addresses. After all adjustments have been settled the connection of the GBS-Service module is not longer required during the operation. It can be disconnected from the GBS-Master module and can be used for programming addresses on further GBS-Master modules.
Illumination of turnout symboles on the switchboard:
The Decoder for Switchboard Lights GBS-DEC can be connected to the digital current circuit as any other decoder. On this way the GBS-DEC receives the switch-information for the illuminated indication of turnouts from the command station or from the PC.
As a turnout decoder (e.g. turnout decoder S-DEC-4) actually switches a turnout when receiving a corresponding command from the command station the GBS-DEC will indicate the status of the relevant turnout at the switchboard by switching the illuminated indication of the turnout at the same time.
The GBS-DEC is available for the digital format Märklin-Motorola and DCC. If you control the turnouts on your layout within the Märklin Motorola format the master module GBS-Master-MM will be suitable. For the application of the DCC format the master module GBS-Master-DC has to be used.
To avoid a non-necessary load of the digital current circuit for the illuminated indication at the switch board the GBS-DEC can get the power supply by a simple light-transformer.
On this way can get drive tracks the illuminated indication via accessible turnout addresses. For this events turnout addresses can be used which have not been occupied for switching turnouts.
Illumination of track occupancy symboles on the switchboard:
If using the GBS-Master module GBS-Master-s88 the GBS-DEC will be operated within the s88-mode. Then can the GBS-DEC “bug” the s88-bus and can directly switch the illuminated indication of the relevant track section at the switchboard when receiving an occupancy information.
If also the turnout position shall be controlled via the s88-bus the turnout symbol at the switch board will indicate the actual turnout status.
For your information how to control turnouts via the s88-feedback bus you can download the file “Feedback of the turnout position” at the page Downloads at the Internet.
The following picture shows the possibilities:
At the sample can be 16 turnouts switched via the switchboard. The turnout keys of the switch board will be read via the 2 right side feedback modules RM-88-N.
The feedback information (rail contacts and turnout feedback information) of the layout will be transferred from the left feedback modules RM-88-N-O via the control unit (here Intellibox) to the PC.
The GBS-DEC can evaluate the feedback information received via the s88-bus and switch the illuminated indication of the turnout symboles in accordance to the actual turnout status. Even if a turnout will be switched manually the new turnout position will be immediately indicated at the switch board.
Also the PC receives this information and the monitor switch board will be actualized.
Each GBS-Module will be supplied with a detailed operating-/respectively assembly-instruction. Those instructions can be found within the next section.
The components GBS-Service and GBS-Display for the Switchboard Light Decoder (GBS-DEC) are available as kit (-B) or as checked finished module (-F).
Instructions regarding this article can be found here: Downloads GBS-DEC.
Instructions for all LDT-Components can be found here: Overview Downloads.
Sample-connections regarding this article can be found here: Sample-Connections GBS-DEC.
Sample-connections for all LDT-Components can be found here: Overview Sample-Connections.
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![]() | ![]() Add to Wish List: GBS-Display-B (Part-No.: 050031): Display-Module for the Decoder for Switchboard Lights GBS-DEC as a kit (59,90 €*). Add to Wish List: GBS-Display-F (Part-No.: 050032): Display-Module for the Decoder for Switchboard Lights GBS-DEC as a finished module (79,90 €*). Add to Wish List: GBS-Service-B (Part-No.: 050041): Service-Module for the Decoder for Switchboard Lights GBS-DEC as a kit (26,90 €*). Add to Wish List: GBS-Service-F (Part-No.: 050042): Service-Module for the Decoder for Switchboard Lights GBS-DEC as a finished module (39,90 €*). ![]() * All prices incl. VAT, plus Shipping. |